Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Astrology, TVB, and cultural transformation

Been in the Tetons for only three days and already my skin dries out in high, hot, dry climate. Sore throat also. Huge adjustment, on all levels. Did more Tai Chi than usual to try to counteract.

Last night's event a potluck gathering of old friends, mostly female, and I found myself in more of "speaker" mode than I expected. It felt as if the group wanted that, probably because I used to work as an astrologer here, and would sometimes give talks on coming astrological transits. So I did that, and tied it in to the book, and the use of the book as a tool for helping people get in touch with unresolved grief that does seem to inhabit everyone. I have yet to meet anyone who disagreed with this premise: that grief may be at the bottom of all that keeps us from exploring our connection to the universe beyond the momentum that still drives this culture—the fear of lack and the hunger for status and physical goods in lieu of real meaning.

The astrology of current times is consistent with Mayan and other prophecies of a coming "end-times" in which those who can evolve rapidly enough to withstand the stresses of increasing acceleration of the pace of events will be called upon to provide leadership and refuge for others less fortunate. These aware souls will need to be able to work with grief on a massive scale, given that humanity will suffer increasing losses of all kinds. To my mind, the most important preparatory work we can do is to give ourselves time to slow down to stillness, and to allow whatever unprocessed grief that we ourselves are still holding to surface. As grief surfaces, and expresses—through tears, howling, dreams, art work, dancing, whatever!—it transforms, quiets down; miraculously, we find that our awareness can then spread into a spaciousnes that naturally incudes others. In this way grief becomes the gateway to love.

In this way we can move beyond the "me first" territorial attitudes that breed hostility and war and keep us from finding solace in each other's company, keep us from sharing what we do and are and have with gratitude and trust.

Tonight, another event, this one a combination of the Jewish friends of Jeff and the drumming group that he belonged to. Another evening, no doubt another brand new situation that hopefully, I will be able to resonate with at whatever level the situation calls for.

Today at 11 am., I meet with the Hospice Director here, at her request.

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