Saturday, June 9, 2007

Bowling Green, Ohio, learning over counter

7/9/07. This is the second time I've tried to post today, each time leaning over the counter at the Best Value motel in Bowling Green, Kentucky, since my computer weirdly won't load up the internet despite it saying it's connected.

Just discovered that one of my venues in Wyoming may have to change due to a grave illness in the family. Another one feels tentative, due to the person's iffy health situation. How many of us are working with relatives and friends who are gravely ill, and how much has this to do with the environment? Sometimes it feels like we're in a novel about the end of the world.

And yet, just about every glance with a stranger feels friendly, open. As if, were we but to stop and talk, we would find ourselves the same. Each time that flash of recognition occurs, I feel an expansion of being, a lightness. Gratitute for the privilege of being alive at this crucial turning.

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